<aside> ⚙ Take about 30 minutes to start constructing the bare bones of your Otherself. Please start to think through your Otherself in relation to your theme.

Try to use the time between now and the workshop and conference to get to know your Otherself better. You can start by writing a diary as your Otherself, or by creating a wardrobe for them.

Take a piece of paper, note down your answers and treat this as your Otherself’s memory.

Once you’ve done this, write a short bio for your Otherself and add it to the People page of your working group.


  1. How do you want others to call you? Which pronouns do you use?

  2. How would you describe yourself in three words?

  3. How would others describe you in three words?

  4. What is your most painful memory?

  5. Your secret obsession

  6. Your motto

  7. What’s your relationship to politics?

  8. What was hanging on the walls of your childhood room?

  9. What would you call your practice? {Are you a researcher, artist, lecturer, student, administrator, policymaker etc.? You can also make up one up or combine several}

  10. What are topics of concern to you in the frame of this practice?

  11. How do you relate to the overall theme of your workshop/conference group?

  12. What do you think about on a day-to-day basis?

  13. What was a significant moment that shaped your thinking?

  14. What are the themes that have been following you over a lifetime?

  15. What do you perceive as your greatest limitation?

  16. What enables you?