
Pronoun: SHE/THEM

My motto is: It’s never too late.

Ocean Blue is an international advisor for higher arts education, an activist and an advocate for the trans-human community. Ocean is also a circus artist and is one of the founders of the TransCircus collective.

After working for several years as head of international affairs in various higher education institutions in Europe, Ocean moved into research in the field of ethics.

Following the privatisation process of the educational sector, Ocean published an article elaborating on her ethical struggles inside higher education. She joined the activist movement in the 30ies against the privatisation of education and became very active in several campaigns, including advocating for the rights of transhumanism.

With former colleagues and like-minded people, Ocean started working on new educational platforms. In recent years, she work as a content facilitator and as an advisor to public and private institutions. Her main areas of focus are strategies for higher education in socially and political engagement, super-humanism and global democracy.
