Otherselves (like emergent worlds) are fragile beings. Here are some general tips to make your Otherselves feel as comfortable as possible and prevent them from going into hiding:

  1. Address each other with your Otherself names as much as possible. Auditory and oral repetition helps to sediment identity.
  2. Sometimes you will float to other temporal coordinates. This is fine and also necessary at times — but do try to navigate yourselves back to the present again and again. One way would be to ask “So what does this mean for us here, in the year of 2045?”
  3. Sometimes it can help to make use of a visual marker for your identity, such as a specific nail colour, bracelet or jewellery. Whenever you feel unsure, take a look at this marker to remind yourself of who you are.
  4. Likewise, when you see someone drifting away from their Otherself, you might help them come back by referring to this visual marker. You could say “Wow, I really love your nails”.
  5. Alternatively you can also focus on certain habits. Perhaps your Otherself pronounces certain words in an unusual way, likes to play with a pen while speaking, or licks their lips after each sentence. These habits, too, can help anchor your Otherself.
  6. Slip-ups will happen. When they do try not to be too confronting. Instead of saying that something is wrong, try to ask a question: “Did you mean…?”