Ask and Answer helps to structure how we understand the state of the world as it is now in 2045. It helps us to reflect on the developments of the last twenty years, the achievements and the struggles that continue.

By asking and answering together, we can find convergences in our ways of researching, the struggles we encounter and share our concerns with each other across working groups.

Each working group has a specific profile and is specialised on one aspect of arts education. So naturally, each working group will be best adept in communicating what they need to know about the world in order to understand what has been achieved in terms of bettering the conditions related to the group’s main concern and what still needs to be raised as an issue to be addressed.

As a group you will formulate seven questions, one question for each factor of the world.

Later, each group is assigned one factor and will respond to each question with a short paragraph.

In a following annotation session ever

Step 1: Ask

The first step will be for each group to fill in one question for each factor of the world.


For example: For someone from the group SYMBIOSIS responsible for the factor “Economics and Global/Local Infrastructure”, a way to formulate a question would be to ask “What do we need to know about the current situation of the global economy and international logistics in order to address the role of institutions of higher arts education in the global struggle against climate change and social injustice?”

A possible question would be: “What direction has the fight against climate change taken? Has it completely been overtaken by neoliberal politics and turned into a global market of carbon tokens?”

Step 2: Answer

There are 7 questions for each of these world factors, which are the questions that have been developed by all groups the previous day (“Annotation Session: Factor Questions”).

The group has seven pieces of paper. The question is written on top of the paper.